What’s Funny
What’s funny in the double meaning of the word to me is when those who are the problem, prey on a person or people of the book (Christian/ Jews who live it, abide by it. etc) are all into and about wickedness, Jezebel spirited types especially that use sex and or the promise of sex that probably have balled everything from here to wherever to slither their way into some position… no pun intended, are into the dark arts of witchcraft, snake like in general they even look like a snake, conniving, going out of their way to harm other people, cut throat, etc in some way have the audacity to put up the Hamsa, Nazar, and all that when for one they are the the antithesis of what that symbol is they have reason to be paranoid based on their nasty actions towards others, 2 it isn’t their background, 3 it isn’t their culture, 4 They are the problem, the symbol doesn’t do anything it just doesn’t. A talisman has 0 impact on anything that aside it’s like have you stepped back and examined your actions/self? Jezebel types females are notorious for it. It’s like really I don’t think it’s everyone else I think you’re the problem. I’m a Christian Jew of those origins in my background as said many times and that’s not how that symbol works besides maybe such wicked beings wouldn’t have to worry about the ramifications for their actions if they didn’t do foul snake crap in the first place but see that’s that Jezebel manipulative mentality they never do anything wrong in their mindset, they’re gonna get theirs by stepping on other people at any cost, being cut throat towards people of the book Christians/Jews that live it, and thus people of the book are everything they aren’t therefore it’s like sit down you have nothing to be all pious and self righteous about - you’ve done more crap to people than can be recalled. Those types are paranoid because they do the most foul to people arbitrarily. ::Shrugs::