What’s Going To Occur
When a fool harasser is still harassing and yammering being stupid- What is going to occur and already in motion I’m going to take your freedom, house if you even have one whatever dump that it is, car, anything you think you have, everything. You’re done. I said it repeatedly while you’re still harassing me and yammering like nothing is already set in stone impish fugly trolling creep. I told you leave me alone. You’re not getting off on a pass on this and you will be held accountable. Your life is over, you have no future. You wanted to see mean it’s called justice and go away meaning go away. I said it and showed it plenty of times. What’s going to happen is I will continue to have my heel on your neck in REAL life until you’re put away from the public and from ever enacting on decent real people like you did to me all of which is more than provable. Every time you breathe you will have investigators breathing down your neck until you are locked away somewhere where such harassers and psychos need to be not thinking they’re cute, funny, placated to, or anything else. You won’t be thinking you’re a wannabe bad b__ nothing where you’re going. Off the street justice served done over.