When You Say You’re Fabulous
How I feel about stupid mind deadening, brain cell wasting stupidity in a nutshell in general.
It’s humorous but true. 😄
There are things and individuals that aren’t even worth acknowledging because they’re just wasting your time. They just want to engage people on their stupidity and waste life. They have no purpose so they want to waste everyone else’s, it gives them a rush like a junky needs a fix which often times they’re addicted to something or multiple things which is why everything they say or do is frivolous dramatic nonsense they can’t live a healthy stable life so everything is melodramatic and some spectacle because no healthy human being wants to waste time and energy especially when it belongs to others. In those cases it’s always worth looking at your enemies that have usually gone above and beyond to find a problem with you realizing “On my worse days I am still a million times better off than them. I have everything they don’t and always have. For some reason that bothers them.” Point is life is short don’t waste a second on what isn’t worth time, energy, or self. You almost have to pity those who can’t move on in life thus have wasted their entire lives on utter ignorance, stupidity, and antics. Hence why they usually have nothing stable in their lives. They just go through their entire existences throwing trash on people at random because they have no purpose in life. Nonsense is their purpose.