There is a Netflix documentary on the JonBenet Ramsey case. The ransom letter other than it appears to be written by somebody that wasn’t wrapped in their mind definitely didn’t follow their instructions in order to receive their demands of ransom, the nature of the sexual and physical violence committed onto the youth, no background of sexual abuse or abuse of any variation. The bombastic sicko “Mock trial” on Geraldo Riveria show was a disgrace, something warped in the head of those people. The media produced falsity for ratings IE the decline of journalistic values, there was no link to the family be it DNA tests or the handwriting. A vital piece of likely evidence the media conveniently threw out the window was the fact months following the murder of Jon Benet the home of a youth that went to the same dance school as Jon Benet Ramsey was broken into by a sexual predator in the same manner that attempted to sexually assault the youth that was the same age as Jon Benet thankfully the Mother walked in on the predator with a weapon having heard the break in hence the perp fled. OR the fact the ransom note cited the exact amount of Mr. Ramsey’s bonus.
Having been a pageant contestant in high profiled pageants IE state title when I was 11 included having performed most of my life, modeled, etc you will draw mentals that have unfounded unhealthy fixations/obsessions toward you, your people, anybody around you. Been dealing with it minutely 16 years but an attorney and officers of the law have reason to believe it might have been ongoing from childhood when I performed throughout my preteen and teens. The suspects are way too cognizant of my life from pre internet in some instances. Their cognition of me seems to begin in my teens when I didn’t have social media. For what we are cognizant of the pedophilic freak could have been following me around when I was a kid. My initial attorney seemed to think the perp like their imp has likely enacted this previously to other people if dug deep enough on their background. Point being it could have been somebody obsessed with her from a distance. Point being there are sickos in the world, they were around pre internet and into the 2020s. It could have been anybody, a predator off the street, a predatory photographer someone associated with that photographer, etc etc.