Why Serial Predator Harasses
A serial predator harasses or any serial harasser in general to the extent they do because they want that interaction and to obtain a reaction that no one cares to. Best reaction if any is a “Nice story” and keep it stepping. Don’t answer to any screw loose psycho being like that. Being harassed by a being like that is much like that sexual harassment experiment video I re-posted some months ago except in real life of any gender. Those types won’t leave a subject alone they follow and harass in all sorts of whacky ways. Those types are disgustingly repugnant it’s not even funny especially upon their being a ugly broke old troll being of gutterville well over the hill. Not a young person like this instead of some troll ugly serial creeps that I don’t have any inclination why law hasn’t put them off the street. If anyone other than law steps in then they create a problem and start harassing them. Freaks like that need to be aware NO MEANS NO. In any form. It’s not a challenge or persistent anything it’s NO not to speak on the background of serial continual harassment well into the thousands. I don’t even think if someone point blank said to them “Back-off” they would cease. It has a background of acerbating the issue as the main problems take it as a challenge. It’s apparent it’s far beyond that in over a decade and nearly 3 years of the other period provably so.
Courtesy- Adam Saleh