Leave Indigenous Peoples In Peace
This is why us Indigenous peoples need to be left in peace especially the un-contacted ones. Either protect them, better yet fight for our rights as marginalized and minority peoples or leave us alone. Indigenous people as a whole we are sick of being invaded upon and intruded upon by essential colonists and white privileged taking over our lands as well as spaces hoarding them from us. We are beyond sick of being literally raped, pillaged or even murdered all for greed or just sport. Leave us alone trying to poke around at our spaces and lives, it’s killing us. Let this be a warning to the self entitled outsiders academia based or not we will defend and fight back if you come onto our lands, attempt to overtake our spaces or just intrude on upon it. The uncontacted peoples are not familiar with you okay so to wander into their lands is asking for defense. In the era of Brown lives and Black lives mattering remember our spaces matter too in every way. It’s not your business. Leave Indigenous people in peace it’s pretty simple. We are not Guinea Pigs to be poked and prodded at for scientific research neither are our sacred homes this is particularly so for those who have not had contact or have had only negative contact. That land is their home that is all they have, they were there first like all Indigenous peoples therefore just leave it in peace not walk all over it. It’s not yours to do so.