Voicing Freedom
2 min readSep 13, 2020

Why Trolls Troll

Why trolls troll is the same reason any type of abuser enacts the behavior they do it’s often for sport and some kind of sick twisted entertainment because they have nothing in life other than what those they taunt give them. That’s why they do so. It takes a lot of energy and time to find something to taunt and troll others with that they usually don’t even know. They want attention even if it’s negative, they thrive off negative attention especially, they want to be relevant, and honestly that’s the only relevancy they have that which people give them. Instead of going out and making a real life for themselves that’s their relevancy is short lived internet based. They actually usually are extremely insecure about everything and deep down angry knowing that’s all they are and have is the attention people give them. It’s for sport basically and a temporary ego boost. It’s a piteous existence to seek that kind of acknowledgement. Psychologists have found trolls like any abuser clearly have something wrong with them mentally and or emotionally be it malevolent personalities, anti social disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, autism, some kind of obsessive disorder, or just low emotional intelligence something that obviously isn’t up to par in the psychological or behavioral department because let’s face it who would want to act like that or enact that kind of behavior? They can’t really have an original thought of their own and they kind of all use the same language because their IQ is often so low that’s all they can come up with a parrot of what other trolls say or what the object of trolling does. No one wants to act or be like that not even kids. There really isn’t any finalized goal as to why — it’s just a game and for sport to them, if any goal exists it’s for acknowledgement and attention even if negative or self created as they often create or hijack an exorbant amount of accounts to basically talk to themselves or appear more popular and important to others than are. 🤷🏽‍♀️

BBC Visual and Data Journalism


Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince

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