Will Do My Heart Good
It will do my heart good when a few little troll ugly full of crap Chris Chan level harassers are sitting in a federal prison cell with Bubbet and the other from a long way before Bubba. The responsible parties are going they’re done. I’ll make sure of it. They’re done, they can make believe their pity shticks word salad dog whistle crap all they want to they’re over. Ignorance and stupidity is what it is. Law goes by facts not anything else. I’ll make sure they’re put away off the street for good as need be. They should have never harassed nor come after me to begin with. They can cry victim all they want that’s not reality of what is. Over, done. Told them over and over again leave me alone get off my things go away umpteen thousand times, they can suck up and pretend to be piteous victim to whoever they want it won’t change anything. It’s called manipulation all narcopathic criminals do. They need to get away from me period. They harassed the wrong one for the final time. I have real things to do in real life, I’m going to let law handle them.