Womens History Month.. But What About Indigenous Sisters?
These aforesaid statistic qualifies for both Canada and America. In America the statistics are 10 times higher as opposed to 5 times higher to have violence in some form committed against us. We are treated like second class citizens even though we were here first and thus were colonized upon as well as invaded on entirely. Some form of genocide or violence has been occurring towards us since 1492 in America. In Canada the year was 1763 upon which Britain colonized. To this day in 2021 there are little to no existing data on crimes against us let alone justice enacted. There are no percentages on successful cases involving Indigenous Girls, Women, or Transgender (2 Spirit.) This is thoroughly unacceptable. There are not many of us, we only make up anywhere between 2.5% to roughly to 5% of the population. In Canada the population of Aboriginal peoples is 4.9%. We know it is serious when our Men have to patrol reservations or communities in general to ensure our peoples are safe from predators because law enforcement is either unable or unwilling to protect us. We are aware violence against us is an epidemic when reservations (known as reserves in Canada) have actually placed out warnings and ,States of Emergencies, because of the volume of typically Missing, Raped, Trafficked, and or Murdered upon one of us this violence includes police brutality. This violence towards us should not be allowed to continue in entire exemption from accountability. Honestly, one of our few powerful allies to place pressure on both the American injustice system as well as the Canadian systems are the United Nations. One of our other notable allies would actually be ,The Mcaine Institute, (God rest his soul.) When it comes to the system either Canadian or American we are seemingly nothing, perhaps even less than Black Lives because we are so few in numbers it seems we are not taken as seriously and thus shut out out more from mainstream ears and public eyes.