Word to the wise unabashedly said:
If you wouldn’t even spit on them don’t answer to them or give them anything more than they’re worth because it’s a waste of yourself, purpose, and time.
Like I’ve said. If I’ve worked with, taught by, etc all kinds and let into the home of at least one reputable legend several times before they passed away then I don’t even worry about anyone else that I have nothing to do with but God and myself. That’s always been. I only answer to what’s worth my time, I only gauge doing anything what’s worth who I am and have to offer, my energy, and effort. This is for anything if you’re wasting my time you’re wasting my time, if you’re not in my life you’re not in my life or vise the versa, if I know you I know you, if I don’t I don’t, if we aren’t in the same spaces or lanes there’s no reason to even attempt to interact whatsoever, if you’re playing a game toying with me you’re playing a game, if you’re wasting my legitimately hard earned money and or taking that money you’re wasting my money on your bullsh*&. I had enough of my time and even means wasted for a decade over actually by textbook psycho on a habitual power trip who like all those of the trollish persuasion don’t have anything and don’t want anyone else to have anything either especially those way younger than they with God knows more going for them so I don’t answer to anything or one less than who and what I am. Honestly I just don’t give a damn to even deal with any BS at all. I don’t waste my purpose, time, energy, or anything else or rather allow it to be wasted. Wasted time and wasted words you can’t get back so never waste them on anything less than who you are. I’m better than any of that and always have been. ::Shrug::