Word Salad
Also referred to as Word Play
It is a symptom of those with either mental illness such as Psychological Disorders IE Schizophrenia, Bipolar can if those with the disorder are in a manic state, Neurological issues such as brain damage, autism than can be a symptom, sometimes psychosis can have that symptom, or even drug addiction depending. It’s when people think words, sentences, or sentiments have some significance that honestly just doesn’t. When people start seeing everything someone says or does as some significance to them without really valid substantial proof of that, there indeed is something very amiss somewhere in the mind. If dealing with a Narcopath they’ll often enact this type of mirroring also referred to as “Dark mirroring” as it is a predatory tactic in order to gain access to people which isn’t built on anything healthy nor authentic but for the purpose of some insidious agenda. They’ll mirror victims to gain their trust or this is regardless of gender. Charles Manson used to do this to his cult members to give an example in order to control and mind manipulate them into doing what he told them. Basically don’t be or play into that if you can help it — if you can’t then seek professional assistance to get a healthy grasp of reality and healthy ways to communicate with healthy people. Playing into such mind f__ery to put it bluntly is abnormal and detri-mental. Normal healthy people don’t communicate like that and certainly no professional of any stretch does. It’s somewhat in the same bracket of just because someone is nice to you doesn’t mean they’re hitting on you. It’s about being able to differentiate others body language, language, tone, are they actually talking to you directly not some off handed comment that doesn’t actually mean anything. On a slightly lighter note you don’t want to end up like the character from “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia” that went hard into conspiracy theories and paranoia. When you find yourself trying to connect dots that aren’t even there based on what someone says or does thus how it appertains to you in all seriousness really that’s it you need help no joke about it.
For those who aren’t familiar with the show or episode a clip from the episode became a meme actually.
Point being you don’t want to be that guy of any gender lol In the context if you can help it. Don’t even go down that path towards or with people because it’s warped not healthy mentally, emotionally, etc. On a serious note if someone is annoying you with this type of behavior as aforesaid it’s not normal okay no normal cognitive person thinks that it’s healthy to harass people like that just spewing back everything practically said or done by a person or persons. There’s something very wrong there that is advisable not to encourage as most often other people who do not wish to be harassed like that catch the brunt of that behavior when they just want to be left alone from the harassing party or parties. To give a description as I’ve shared before I have had females who I didn’t even know come after me over males I also didn’t know personally whom it seemed were mimicking me but who’s to say whether they actually were or weren’t if you don’t know people personally you don’t know them personally therefore to assume anything like that is unhealthy entirely. ::Shrugs::