Today is World AIDS Day. Countries containing the most soaring AIDS populations particularly among Girls and Women the science of that within numerous countries particularly countries of Africa and Southeast Asia there is a myth. The myth is if you have contracted HIV/AIDS having intercourse with a virgin will cure the disease (aside from devirginating somebody is a pride within these societies) therefore as a result assailants do not hold regard for how young the victims are. They could be 3 years old and the assailants won’t blink. There were entire segments addressing this on exposés that galvanized movements posted of years previously such as ,Half The Sky, and A Path Appears. It was polled that over 25% — upwards of 51% within countries such as India of those victimized by Commercial Exploitation ranging from childhood to adulthood have HIV/AIDS because of the sexual violence they are victimized by.
There have been innumerable documentaries and exposés on what Vice has coined the neglected epidemic.
Within progressive years scientists have cultivated a vaccine, improved medicines to prolong the lives of patients and improve their quality of life, and likely a cure down the line. There have been pioneering foundations and organizations contributing to AIDS research, education, medical treatments, and possibly solutions such as God bless his soul the late Ryan White that contracted the virus through a mandatory blood transfusion. He was 18 years old when he passed away in 1990. There was another young Girl named Angeli Diya that was an advocate during the 1990s who had no answers as to how she contracted the virus at birth therefore the misinformation that the virus was “The gay cancer” or “The virus began in the gay bathhouses” it is untrue. It could be argued that the virus further spread from that but to argue the virus began in those corners no. There is factually evidence the initial AIDS patient dated as far as to the 1950s. There could be a publication on how the LGTBQ diaspora was and is impacted grievingly by not solely HIV AIDS but the stigmas of the virus that I have spoken of previously.