You Can’t
You honestly can’t have an intelligent anything in dealing with beings that remind you of a brain dead version of snuffaluffagus on acid that snuffy in and of himself is a rocket scientist in comparison to… there is nothing intellectual, logical, nor redeeming value to even engaging those types. Those lights are on and no one is home. There’s a saying of “Never argue with an idiot because they’ll drag you down and beat you with experience.” Stupid beings are stupid beings. Low intellectual beings can only fathom so much on a very basic level of operating. You can’t expect any rational or healthy anything out of stupid low mentality beings who are that way mainly by choice. Back in the day they were referred to as village idiots. Their brain probably looks like Swiss cheese if a brain function scan was done on it and you can tell their IQ isn’t terribly functional past a certain point.
Courtesy of-
Heather Patterson
Courtesy of- Psychology Today