“You Can’t Speak About People You Don’t Fight For.” Frank Waln White War
“We have never really seen the war go away. I mean if you’re dying. If you’re dying from the 7th cavalry’s bullets. If you’re dying from induced poverty and racism and class systems and sex systems, And you’re dying from alcoholism and poverty, Or someone has come in now in the name of maximizing the profit. And they’re getting you to work in the mines, the uranium mines and you’re dying from lung cancer and you’re dying from the cancers and the diseases that come out of that. You’re dying. It’s the same as the bullet killing you and I see it all as a war.” John Trudell
It’s great someone posted the lyrics because they stem from quite a powerful and completely candid artist about our state as Indigenous people in America, Canada, and really world wide.
“Apologies will never make amends for your colonies. America, you a b__ . Give us our sovereignty.” Frank Waln White War
Nothing can be said after that. There are circumstances especially when it’s been systematic prolonged human rights abuses, genocide, sexual violence, etc that no amount of apologies make amends for it. There has to be justice and what we have been witnessing upon the rise of movements such as Black Lives Matter, it is the disciplinary action America and Human Rights offenders have been asking for, for at least 500 years, particularly against minority and marginalized people.
🎤🤜🏽 👏🏽