That post about Krampus precisely what I was posting of. Being a Judeo Christian isn’t about piety or immaculateness because there is none good no not one, not like Jesus. Judeo Christians are sinners saved by grace. It’s about sincerity, grace of God, etc. That doesn’t grant a license to live like a heathen rather it’s not wanting to live like a heathen because you have God to convict you. The world doesn’t need piety it needs reality, sincerity, etc. There was a song I reposted when it initially was released by Casting Crowns called “What This World Needs.” Some of the most blunt lyrics go,
“What this world needs
Is not another one-hit wonder with an axe to grind
Another two-bit politician peddling lies
Another three-ring circus society
What this world needs
Is not another sign-waving super- saint that thinks he’s better than you
Another ear-pleasing candy man afraid of the truth
Another prophet in an Armani suite. What this world needs
Is for us to care more about the inside than the outside
Have we become so blind that we can’t see
God’s gotta change your heart before he changes a shirt
What this world needs
Is for us to stop hiding behind our relevance
Blending in so well that people can’t see the difference
And it’s the difference that sets the world free.” Casting Crowns What This World Needs
Pastor Joseph Prince preached a sermon called How To Differentiate Law and God, that speaks of the grace of God and the Judeo Christian law. Being a Christian isn’t about hitting marks it’s about carrying out God’s grace.